Nampeke is centered on ancestor worship, the belief in a spirit world, supernatural beings and free will, we specialize in exorcism of evil spirits, infertility problems, marriage problems, business prosperity, job promotions, love affairs, talk to your deceased loved ones, find lost family members, find stolen items, and good health. Life is not one but many journeys and every person has a different destination and itineraries in this world. At Nampeke we guide you through all your journey by removing the roadblocks along the way of your life.
I am an African traditionalist and a believer in the traditional beliefs and practices. These beliefs have been passed down since the beginning of time from one generation to another. We believe in supreme creator of life (Bulamu), belief in spirits, belief in the holy ghosts and use of traditional African medicines. Our beliefs include the worship of tutelary deities, nature worship, ancestor worship and the belief in an afterlife just like those who came before us. Like most other ancient traditional religions around the world, we are also based on oral traditions. These traditions are not religious principles, but a cultural identity that is passed on through stories, communication from the ancestors and tales, from one generation to the next and the guidance of our ancestral spirits. Our ancestral spirits are generally good, fair and kind.
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